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Just some info

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Just some info

Post by ServerHost »

This was suppose to be for, but the CBV tells me that's not a valid email address or alias at this domain...

So I created an account so I could post :)

I setup page forwarding on both and to point here (don't own so can't help on that one)

So anyone still looking for can land here.

That's all, glad to see people still playing.. and I still host the Nordock Revenge Server and everyone once in a while I launch and old old version on Difficult and the others :)
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Re: Just some info

Post by Beard »

Nice to see you here SH, if ever you have any of the old files needed feel free to drop a line to myself, Raradra, or Valikar.

Muchly appreciated for the domain forwards.

Also if you have any of the old forum data, could be useful.
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Re: Just some info

Post by ServerHost »

Let me find the images of those old hard drives and extract the data and I'll see what I have

Just need a place to upload the data once I get it out of the image.

I think I even have a converted restore done to a VMWare session, but it won't boot, if someone wanted to give that a try... I had planned on hosting that VMWare session as the new site after the crash back when , but no one I knew could get the session to boot.
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Re: Just some info

Post by ServerHost »


I have the following.

an 82GB ESXi VMWare session which was my attempt to use the VMWare Converter to convert the old failing server to a VMWare session. It completed the conversion, but I could never get it to boot.

I also have Acronis v9x TIB files of the "D/E/F/G" drives from the server (it was Linux and C: crashed ie: drive 0)

I also have various folders I extracted from these TIB files and/or backedup and other various times, dates rangin from 2011 - 2013.

I have the mysql folders of: (with file dates of 03/13)

awakening / diff / epic / nadoh / nwn / NordockPostnuke01

I have gameserver_backup folders with:

classic / diff / epic / nadoh

Which includes all the NWN servers for a server ie: modules, user characters etc.

So I have a ton of stuff, it's matter of someone sorting through it all ... and I don't want to just hand it off to anyone (has to be the person in charge) since I don't want it in the "wrong" hands.
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Re: Just some info

Post by raradra »

Good to see you! Unless beard has a place to upload I can set one up for you. Any player vault backups would be a dream as that was the one thing we weren't able to recreate. I'm really glad to see you. I've tried to keep in touch through Gary, but he and you have been so busy with everything it kind of fell by the wayside :)
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Re: Just some info

Post by Richard_Uther »

Doug ma' boy! I'm glad to see you well man. While the Nordock 2 project kept changing hands and became pure chaos, I tried to contact you a few times. Then all the sites went down and I figured you just got tired of the whole thing. So glad to see you back around, brother!
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Re: Just some info

Post by ServerHost »

Just been real busy... I still host Revenge and like I said, put up some of the old old servers for a few days at times...

I have all the stuff I listed and maybe some other stuff as well, I just want to be sure the correct hands get it.

I also don't have a problem hosting a server again, but it will need to be Virtual vs physical these days....

My attempt at converting the old server to virtual didn't go well (I've converted hundreds of Windows based server, but never had luck with Linux based servers... the never boot up !)
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Re: Just some info

Post by raradra »

ServerHost wrote:Just been real busy... I still host Revenge and like I said, put up some of the old old servers for a few days at times...

I have all the stuff I listed and maybe some other stuff as well, I just want to be sure the correct hands get it.

I also don't have a problem hosting a server again, but it will need to be Virtual vs physical these days....

My attempt at converting the old server to virtual didn't go well (I've converted hundreds of Windows based server, but never had luck with Linux based servers... the never boot up !)
Definitely going to want the gameserver_backup folders, but I'll wait for the rest of the team to chime in if they want/need any of the rest.
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Re: Just some info

Post by Lliira »

Raradra, Beard and Valikar would be the admin contacts now, SH. A few of us are DMs, but do not have admin access, or do not know what to do with all of that stuff. :) Well, me. That would be me, not knowing what to do.
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Re: Just some info

Post by Thunderfist »

Hey, SH, widardofodd here. Glad to hear from you. I wondered if it would be possible to restore the data for the mod that I started as a side project from Diff. .I don't have a PC right now, just a kindle, so there's no rush.

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